Do You Have a Right to a Cleaner Internet?
By Andy Bates
Do you have a right to a cleaner internet? We have discussed Quad9 and the advantages it gives organisations and end users. Although it’s easy to configure and a great thing to do, is it right that you should have to?
Many people now consider internet access to be a basic right – like having drinking water. Yet your drinking water is clean, but your internet connection often is the delivery mechanism that brings many dangers to your world.
Should ISPs be using Quad9 to protect you? Would you move your ISP connection if it had safety built in? Internet connection also means many things to many people – so it can also mean your local wi-fi hotspot and mobile Internet connection.
Isn’t it time you demanded a safer and cleaner internet? There’s no excuse now!
For additional insight from the author on this subject, listen to him on Reality Bites Podcast #12.
Andy Bates is the Executive Director of the United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East and Africa for the Global Cyber Alliance. You can follow him on Twitter @andycyberbates and @UK_GCA.