GCA joins the U.S.-Kyushu Cybersecurity Partnership Initiative as global partner

Twenty parties join forces to contribute to the economic and national security of Japan and the United States through greater cooperation.

The U.S. Consulate Fukuoka and the Kyushu Cybersecurity Symposium (KYUSEC) recently announced a new initiative to bring together U.S. and Japanese partners in the public, private, civil society, law enforcement, and academic sectors to enhance and strengthen international cooperation in cybersecurity across the Kyushu region. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel and KYUSEC Chairman OIE Yuji made the announcement at the Fukuoka American Center, stressing the importance of cybersecurity to the economic security of the United States and Japan. This announcement highlights the importance of the Kyushu region to global supply chains, the development of the next generation of cybersecurity professionals, and the growing ties between the region and the United States.

The U.S. Consulate and KYUSEC began cooperating on cybersecurity programming last year, including by bringing a former White House advisor on cybersecurity to Fukuoka and Nagasaki to engage in discussions with Kyushu cybersecurity experts, the media, and university students. This announcement adds new partners to the effort, from the public, private, academic, law enforcement, and civil society sectors. By including a diverse group of international partners, this initiative will connect southwest Japan’s top cybersecurity practitioners with the latest trends and technology available in the world today.

Ambassador Emanuel said, “In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity is a critical priority. With every aspect of our lives now reliant on technology, initiatives like this one between the United States and the economic powerhouse of Kyushu help us keep our secrets safe, privacy protected, businesses secure, and supply chains resilient. Strengthening our digital defenses in Japan means a more secure global economy.”

KYUSEC Chairman Oie said, “I believe that this undertaking will enhance the cybersecurity capabilities of the Kyushu region by bringing together the wisdom of various organizations across public, private, academic, law enforcement, and civil society sectors through this platform. Indeed, this partnership will steadily and continuously strengthen cybersecurity in the Kyushu region. In addition to strengthening cyber defenses, we will strive to promote initiatives that help society as a whole to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and to cultivate young cybersecurity talent to carry the next generation.”

U.S. Consulate Fukuoka Principal Officer Chuka Asike added “Recognizing the indispensable role Kyushu plays in Japan’s high-tech transformation and global supply chains, our consulate has been building partnerships with cybersecurity stakeholders across the region by supporting cooperative efforts with KYUSEC. Today, we announced an expansion of this effort to include new U.S. and international partners from government, the private sector, and civil society to create a sustainable partnership that will help raise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity across key sectors in Kyushu and contribute to the United States and Japan’s shared economic and national security. Going forward, we welcome even more partners to join us.”

The U.S. Consulate and KYUSEC will work with these new partners to launch programs to raise awareness and strengthen cybersecurity capabilities across Kyushu, including through trainings, subject matter expert exchange programs, conferences, workshops, public messaging campaigns, and sharing cybersecurity tools. Partners who have agreed to join this initiative include:

      Kyushu region 

  • Kyushu Cybersecurity Symposium (KYUSEC)
  • Kyushu Economic Federation (Kyukeiren)
  • Kyushu University
  • University of Nagasaki
  • Kyushu Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • Kyushu Electric Power Company
  • Fukuoka Bank
  • Nishinippon City Bank
  • Nishi-Nippon Railroad (Nishitetsu)
  • Saibu Gas
  • Kyudenko
  • JR Kyushu
  • QTnet

    United States

  • U.S. Consulate Fukuoka
  • Google
  • Illumio
  • SailPoint Technologies Japan G.K
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Microsoft


  • Global Cyber Alliance

This partnership is meant to be inclusive and expansive – new members from the public, private, academic, and law enforcement organizations are welcome to join. Together, the partners will contribute to the economic and national security of Japan and the United States through greater cyber cooperation.