RSA: It's the People

By Phil Reitinger

I was asked yesterday why I come to the RSA Conference. For many of us, it’s an annual pilgrimage to San Francisco. We look forward to it but also dread the pace. So why do we all do it?

The answer I think is simple – it’s the people. The sessions can be very interesting, the keynotes provocative, and the exhibit floor educational. But that is isn’t why I come every year. I come because it is the best chance and place to connect with the infosec and privacy community. I’ve by far lost count of the number of people I’ve talked to this trip, and I bet the same is true for you. And while the planned meetings can be great, or not, often the chance encounters offer the greatest ROI.

Today, I have one last panel to moderate and then the journey home. I’m exhausted, and my brain is fried. Nevertheless, see you again, same time, next year.

The author, Phil Reitinger, is the President and CEO of the Global Cyber Alliance. You can follow him on Twitter @CarpeDiemCyber.