Leslie Daigle is the Global Technical Officer for the Global Cyber Alliance, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to eradicate cyber risk around the globe. Ms. Daigle has been actively involved in shaping the Internet’s practical evolution for more than twenty years. Always fascinated by the Internet’s technology, innovation and real world impact, she started her professional career working with Internet applications technologies for corporate commercial activities, and progressed to take on leadership roles within Internet technology supporting institutions.
Ms. Daigle has been the Principal at Thinking Cat Enterprises for several years. Thinking Cat’s funded projects have focused on advancing the Internet’s technology development and deployment through coordinated action of interested Internet stakeholders.
Ms. Daigle previously was the Internet Society’s first Chief Internet Technology Officer. She joined the Internet Society in 2007, and she helped to (re)create the global dialog on important technical issues, calling stakeholders to action by providing achievable targets and facilitating their own collaboration across (corporate) organizational boundaries until May 2014.
Leslie was an appointed member of the related Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from March 2000 to March 2008, and was the elected Chair of the IAB from 2002 to 2007. Prior to working for the Internet Society, she held the positions of Consulting Engineer at Cisco Systems, Director of Directory Research at VeriSign, and Vice President for Research at industry pioneer Bunyip Information Systems, among others.
Leslie holds an M.Sc. in Computing & Information Science from the University of Guelph, and a B.Sc. in Math and Computer Science from McGill University.