Working From Home? Sign In Securely
Last week GCA launched the Work From Home Campaign in order to help those who have suddenly had to shift to remote working. We are now joined by twelve more nonprofit organizations to support this effort to help during these difficult times, increasing your cybersecurity and alleviating some of the stress of our changing lives.
Locking your virtual doors and windows is one way to do that – just like in the physical world, when you lock everything down, the bad guys may move on. Your accounts and data (such as email, personnel records, or client databases) are valuable assets – to you and to criminals. Keep your accounts safer by moving beyond simple passwords: use strong passwords and two-factor or multi-factor authentication (an additional layer of protection for your passwords). Be sure to set up unique passwords or “passphrases” on all your accounts.
For more assistance, visit the GCA Work From Home Community Forum where GCA security experts can answer your questions.
You can also check out instructional videos in the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business for help in creating strong passwords and setting up two-factor authentication in various accounts.